Sustainable Organizational Transformation

Duration 2 days


CM2 courses CM2-01 through CM2-07 focused on each of the 19 core business processes identified in the CM2 Model. An organization wishing to achieve world-class status must establish an atmosphere of organizational transformation.

Sustainable organizational transformation will require an organization to go beyond today’s thinking and look to a future way of working defined by the business in its transformed state.

This course is focused on four key topics in which an organization must establish the proper skills and processes in order to facilitate that transformation. The course is structured as 4 half-day sessions on each topic:  Program Management, Cybersecurity, Requirements Development, and Supply Chain Management.

Students completing this course will gain a thorough understanding of the key requirements in each of those areas and the power of the CM2 Model in achieving those requirements.

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CM2-08 Kapak


2 Day(s)

Semiha Yaşar

Çevrim İçi Eğitim

CM2-07 & CM2-08 courses are registered together.

For more information and registration: / 0312 939 86 48