Optimization of the Core Business Processes


Duration 2 days


There are 19 core business processes identified in the CM2 Model. The CM2-Comprehensive Certification Series (Courses CM2-01 through CM2-06) focuses on seven of those core business processes plus an eighth core business process responsible for the enabling software functionality. Together, those eight processes establish the foundation for the CM2 Model within an organization.

This course is an extension of the CM2-C series and is focused on the remaining eleven core processes to expand and integrate the CM2 methodology into the other disciplines within the organization. To successfully achieve the requirements of each of those remaining core processes in an efficient and effective manner, the proper foundation must be created.

Students completing this course will gain a thorough understanding of the extent and capability of the CM2 Model to facilitate the achievement of all core process requirements resulting from an enterprise-wide application, building upon the foundation established in the CM2-C series.

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CM2-07 Kapak


2 Day(s)

Semiha Yaşar

Çevrim İçi Eğitim

CM2-07 & CM2-08 courses are registered together.

For more information and registration: info@sempro.com.tr / 0312 939 86 48